Walter Interview

How do you build rapport with a new client?

“When I first meet with a new client, I allow them to lead the discussion. I ask questions to understand how I can help them, what they’re looking for, and their absolute must-haves. By listening to the client, I’m able to build rapport and trust because I understand what they want.”

How do you organize your workday as a real estate agent?

“I use a paper calendar planner that details everything I’ve got going on, including deadlines, appointments, and my running to-do list. I always try to book myself enough time to get to my next appointment on time.”

How do you prepare a property for an open house viewing?

“I’ve developed a checklist that I give to my sellers before an open house, so they understand my expectations. I’ll usually visit the property a few days before the open house to ensure things are ready.”

What are the most critical skills to be a successful real estate agent?

“In my opinion, the most critical skills for a successful real estate agent include attention to detail, negotiation, and communication skills. Attention to detail is crucial to ensuring everything is accurate on documentation, listings, and correspondence. Negotiation is vital to getting the best price for either the buyer or seller.”

How do you stay up to date with current trends and best practices?

“To stay current, I became a member in several local real estate networking groups. We meet regularly to discuss trends, best practices, and other news that can impact the market. The groups also offer professional development training and guest speakers.”

What are the essential pieces of information for an MLS listing?

“I’ve been listing properties on MLS for several years and understand the necessary requirements to have a listing approved. However, there are also other details I like to include that entice buyers to want to view the property in person.”

In a buyer’s market, how do you ensure the best selling price for your client?

“In a buyer’s market, the buyer has more control to dictate the price they’re willing to pay. When I’m representing a seller during this time, I provide reasonable expectations to my client of what the market will likely pay.

Describe a time you had a demanding buyer.

“I’ve had several buyers who were very demanding in their requirements. For example, one wanted a particular type of property, and regardless of what I showed them, they didn’t want to see any of my suggestions. I made sure to ask lots of questions to get a sense of what items were essential and what were nice to haves.”

What is the most effective advertising method for private real estate?

“In private real estate, the most effective method of advertising for me has been a combination of MLS, newspaper ads, and open house promotions. This combination has been cost-efficient and helped me sell over twenty houses in the past three months.”

What process do you follow when first meeting with a buyer?

“When I first meet with a new client, I take them through a series of questions so that I can fully understand what they’re looking for in a home. I also need to know their financial budget, preferred locations, and other critical information to make the best recommendations.”

Describe a time you lost a sale after considerable effort.

“I work hard for every client, so I take my losses personally, although I understand I can’t win them all. After a lost sale, I review everything about the client interaction and how I can improve for next time. Taking this approach has allowed me to grow professionally.”

What unique qualities would you bring to our real estate?

“Over the past 25 years I’ve SOLD many homes for Top Builders and Home Owners in the Calgary area and have a great network of real estate professionals to work with. I also have considerable knowledge about rural properties in the Calgary area so that I can support Buyers and Sellers in that specific type of property.”